No 2 BRCA!

I have undergone a surgery, "Like Angelina": a prophylactic mastectomy, due to carrying the BRCA genetic mutation.כריתת שדיים מניעתית- טישירט

Although this process sounds horrible, the most horrible thing, at least for me, was to know that I have this mutation and carry it over many years, till I made the decision- to do this surgery.

I wrote this site with a sense of a mission, for girls like me, that are considering whether to do this surgery as well as for their loved ones.


What does this involve?

What's the process like?

How does it look like?

How does it feel?

Will it affect your relationship?

Will you feel feminine and sexy afterwards?


And after all that: If you wish to spare from your future children this genetic mutation, what should you do?


All that and more- here


Tags: Ovarian Cancer, genemutation, Angelina Jolie, Prophylactic Mastectomy, mastectomy, Breast Cancer, BRCA2, BRCA1, BRCA
